Service & Maintenance

Whether you have a new boiler, an old boiler, a hydronic boiler, or a steam boiler, it is absolutely necessary that you maintain it with scheduled service. Service is very important because it manages the health of the boiler. And while some situations are simply unavoidable, regular service does work to see problems rising and potentially resolve them before they become a significant expense. Every boiler service should conclude with an updated service report being placed in the boiler room. It’s like a medical chart for the boiler. Regular service keeps steady records of your system and its history, and after each check-up, your chart gets updated. This is something that can be reviewed to help troubleshoot issues quickly. It’s really a simple exercise with HUGE benefits. The consequences of not having your system serviced (at least annually) could be the difference between a standard service call billing and a completely new system that you had not budgeted for. We recommend that you have your boiler serviced prior to the heating season each year, which in the Bay Area means September or October. However, don’t wait until October to schedule an appointment, call us in August to get your appointment set to be sure your preferred date and time is available. Call us. Call your guy. Schedule a service.